Monday, July 5, 2010

It was a great 4th of July weekend. Saturday attended surprise birthday luncheon with my Vinson & Elkins friends for Karen Mohr. We have been friends for 25 years or more and all worked together about 15 years. It was great fun. Also, we attended a benefit this weekend for a man that did not have the good fortune of Terry and is suffering from brain cancer. It was a pleasure to be able to attend and contribute but very humbling experience at the same time. Another reminder of our blessing. Terry's eye appointment last week went very well. His vision is good and the eye has fallen back into proper placement. There is some peripheral vision problems but doctor feels in time that will too come back. It was quite interesting as there were two interns in on the testing and evaluations. They were able to look at the MRI's and we heard a comment on how large the tumor was -- they were truly amazed. That is when the eye doctor commented that "Dr. DeMonte is a God!" So, again we realized how very fortunate we are to have this doctor do the surgery. It was indicated that the result may not have been this remarkable with another surgeon. Another MRI will be done on August 3 so we will be anxious to see the results of that. All and all Terry's recovery has been truly remarkable how well he is doing. So with Terry feeling better we have decided to go forward with our plans to travel to MN for my class reunion. It has been up in the air whether Terry could make the trip but he has decided he can do it. We are driving, decided a road trip might be enjoyable. To make it even better, my cousin, Joan, is driving up there with us -- what fun we are going to have so will be leaving in a couple of weeks.
Hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday. Have a wonderful rest of the week!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I have attempted to post some Father's Day pictures but don't know if they are going to end up on the right page, but thought you all would like to see how well Terry looks. We had a great day with the kids and glad we took these pictures. Don't know where the last two weeks have gone! I have been so out of touch! Terry has his first appointment since the surgery with Dr. DeMonte tomorrow, an appointment with the opthmalogist and then meeting with physical therapy to see if he should continue his therapy. He is much stronger but his balance is still off on the left side but it will come in time. He is working quite a few hours a day and seeing clients. He officially hasn't been released to drive but does drive around the Katy area to see clients and has done well. However, I don't think he is up to long distances just yet. He basically feels so much better than he has in years so has come a long way since May 18th! I can't believe it is 4th of July already. My favorite holiday. Unfortunately, we will not be on the water this year (still attempting to repair the boat - LOL!) but we do have invitations to a couple cook-outs so will enjoy being with friends and seeing the fireworks. Just hope this rain from the hurricane goes away so those of us in the Houston area can enjoy the weekend. Whatever your plans are, I hope everyone has a safe and happy FOURTH OF JULY!